Those who ignore philosophy are condemned to repeat it

Those who believe themselves to be exempt from philosphy influence are usually the slaves of some defunct philosopher

(Adaptación de Paul Thagard de las frases de Santayana y Keynes)

domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

La contribución de la filosofía a la "Neurociencia Crítica"


contributes the analysis of central phenomena under investigation (and

their different, often competing, conceptualizations); for example, emotions, moral

decisions, and responsibility. It also serves to clarify the content and status of notions

such as determinism, reductionism, specificity, and consilience—concepts that have

been floated in neuroscience and its critiques for a while, and require sharpening.

Often, these and other concepts play key roles in what Hartmann (this volume) calls

the hidden hermeneutics of the neurosciences: structural narratives that practitioners

routinely employ as they describe their objects of investigation and construct

interpretations of data, but that are rarely reflected upon explicitly. Ideas about

“cerebral subjectivity” (Vidal, 2009) or the ubiquitous but often vague appeals to

evolutionary theory are good examples (Richardson, 2007); similarly the new hype

around the notion of cerebral plasticity (Malabou, 2008).

The task here is to elucidate a specific meta level: ascending from the manifest

contents of theories, explanatory frameworks, and core concepts in current

neuroscience to the analysis of latent assumptions and formative backgrounds, such as

the implicit construal of the brain as the stable ontological foundation of both personal

traits and social and cultural phenomena (to name just one, albeit crucial example).

Philosophy also contributes to enriching the description of phenomena under study

through phenomenological investigations, performing what has been called

“front-loaded phenomenology” (Gallagher, 2003, this volume; Gallagher & Zahavi,

2008; Ratcliffe, 2008, 2009; Zahavi, 2004)". (Jan Slaby and Suparna Choudhury 2012, p. 44)

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

La visión científica (o cientifista) de la naturaleza humana

Una de las formas más explícitas en que la antropología (filosófica en un sentido amplio) aparece en la ciencia contemporánea, en particular en obras de psicólogos y neurocientíficos, es a través de la noción de "naturaleza humana".
Para Steven Pinker la naturaleza humana consiste en "una dotación de facultades cognitivas y emocionales que es universal para todos los miembros sanos de la especie Homo sapiens" (La tabla rasa, p. 216) (esto es compatible con el hecho de que toda persona es genéticamente única -excepto los gemelos univitelinos). Como indica el subtítulo, esta obra de Pinker trata de la negación moderna de la naturaleza humana, en ella Pinker no solo defiende positivamente la existencia de la naturaleza humana, sino que argumenta extensamente contra la negación de la misma. Esta negación está relacionada con cuatro temores que la harían indeseable. La parte central del libro está dedicada a argumentar que tales temores son infundados, y que las consecuencias negativas que tales temores atribuyen a la afirmación de una naturaleza humana son igualmente incorrectas.

-Ver la entrada sobre Antropología y Luc Ferry.
-Ver la entrada sobre neuromanía.